
seriously. break out of that box!

I feel like a lot of times, we, as photographers, get stuck in a 'box'. Our pictures turn boring since we're only staying in our comfort zone. Maybe we tell ourselves we can only do a certain type of photography. And maybe that's true--after all, we all have our own area of expertise when it comes to photography. But a lot of times, our excuse ends up hurting our photos. The person looking at the photos gets tired of that one type, taken from that one angle, with that one camera setting.
I'm going to challenge you all to take one type of picture you normally wouldn't take. Maybe a nighttime picture, maybe a pet picture, just a picture that you wouldn't normally take. Try a new setting on your camera, or an angle you wouldn't normally use. I don't care what it takes to get that awesome photo--lay on your stomach on the ground, sing "Miss Mary Mack" at the top of your lungs, jump in a muddle puddle... Just don't do anything horribly dangerous. :)
And without further ado, here are my pictures.

So go have fun.
Break out of that box--and don't forget to share those awesome pictures with me! :)
(oh, and I apologize profusely for forgetting to post on Thursday)

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful pictures! I really like number 1, 3, 7 and 8! :D


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