
First Week of Wednesday

Hi Everyone!

My name is Quinlyn and you'll be seeing my posts every first and third Wednesdays of the month. I hope you enjoy them.

I chiefly run two other blogs - Quinny & Co. and The Dolls of Happy Valley. I am professing to be a writer when I grow up, but I also love to take pictures. The cameras I take photos with are a Fujifilm S800 and a Nikon D3100 (which is my mom's).

Alright, enough with the introductions! :) Here are some pictures that I have taken:

Rain on a house


A butterfly

I hope everyone enjoys reading this blog and that we all have fun and learn from our fellow photographers. Have a great day!


Edit to add: Ack, so sorry guys! I accidentally originally posted this on Monday.


Trees and the like.

     I guess it's because my family owns a logging business that I have such a fascination with trees.  Any kind of trees.  Pine trees.  Live oak trees.  Magnolia trees.  Any kind of trees.  I love to climb them, smell the sweet turpentine of pine trees when they're cut, and of course, why would I be posting this here, if I didn't like taking pictures. :)  This is the woods behind my house, where, today it was so sunny and nice, I decided to bring my camera for an adventure. :)

Hope you enjoyed them!
Y'all will be hearing from me every other Tuesday from now on! :)  



I apologize for my last post. It was terrible, and I apologize. There is a long story behind it, and I won't bore you with the details. I deleted it, and am saving it for Halloweentime.
Anywho, here's my mom's DSLR. I use it sometimes... okay, a lot. It's so fun to take pictures of! :)


A few new things to keep you updated...

Hello there! There are a couple reasons I am making this post. :P ;)
#1 Valentines Day is over, and that post is STILL the front one, so I felt I needed to change it. XD :P
#2 I thought you might want to know our schedule. Maybe, possibly. :P

Okay, so, the new design? What do you think of it?

Anyway, I need to stop digressing, sheesh.

So, the schedule for who is posting when is this:

Week one: (no sat or sun- these two days will be for any member to post whatever they couldn't post on their day, but didn't want to wait two weeks)
Monday: Sapphire
Tuesday: Kellee
Wednesday: Quinlyn
Thursday: Nuttinetti
Friday: Rachel

Week two: (again, the sat and sun will be used the same way, as extra for ambitious people. ;) )
Monday: Vivy
Tuesday: Karalee
Wednesday: Arianna
Thursday: AJ
Friday: Caro

There! =)
I hope you all are pleased with this arrangement.
As for when we'll start- we are still waiting for one person to respond saying they can do it... :-/



Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

I know you have seen this picture SO much lately, so I changed it a tiny bit.
If you want to see what's up with this picture:

Happy Valentines Day from the team at Friends Through Photos!

Cupcakes. :)

     This past weekend, my church was having a Valentine's party!  I decided to make cupcakes. :)
[And yes, they're yummy...I've eaten probably four :) ...Hey, they're MINI cupcakes!]

 [I know this picture's kinda weird... I took it through the oven door. :)]

     I'm so excited to start this blog!! :)
     Have a great day, y'all.

Sunny Valentines

Happy Valentines Day! Here is a flower :)

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I don't really have any "Valentines" pictures, but I do have some of leaves that kind of look like hearts...

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If you squint your eyes. :)

The weather was so gorgeous the other day that I couldn't help but take my camera on a little trip outside. The sun was in such a position that I decided would be perfect to try out this "sun flare" that I have seen to frequently on pintrest.

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To create sun flare with a DSLR, you set your aperture to as large a number as you can. I used my 50mm prime lens and had my aperture at about F/14 or 16 the whole time. I had my ISO set at 400 for most of the pictures.

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***It is very hazardous to look directly at the sun (even through a view finder). I recommend getting a general idea of where the sun is and trying your best to get the picture without actually looking at the sun.

I hope everyone likes the pictures :) Which one is your favorite?



Valentine's Day is almost here!

It tis! It tis! The day of love. <3


I entered the second round (didn't win the first) of thedollwardrobe contest.
My entry is number 51.

So, please vote for me.
What you have to do:
Send an email to  nora.demington@gmail.com  saying "I vote for number 51"
She will not do anything with your email address. She won't even reply.

If I win this round, I will give you a shout-out on my blog, and I will FOLLOW your blog if I am not.

Any questions?

I LOVE EVERYONE WHO READ THIS! <3 <3 Share the L<3VE on Valentines Day!! <3


Valentine's Day Photo by Carolyn

  With Valentine's Day nearing, I decided to post a dolly Valentine's photo!  :D  And, of course, I'd like you to vote for me in "The Doll Wardrobe's" contest!  I am photo number sixty {60}, so you can either comment on this post saying you vote for #60 or email nora.demington@gmail.com!  :D  Simple as that!  Hope you vote for me!  ;)  {{And you can vote for as many people as you'd like, so don't feel pressured to vote for just me.  ;)}}

  I really love this picture.  <3


How To Bokeh

Hey! I'm Sapphire, this is my first post on this new blog. Enjoy!

Bokeh. You have heard of it, haven't you? It's a technique of photography where you blur lights or ANYTHING that is slightly, ahem, twinkly. The blurring creates a type of photography called bokeh.

Those Circles, my friends, are bokeh.

There Are Many Ways To Take Bokeh. First: The DSLR

You Can Take Bokeh With A DSLR By Widening The Aperature. This Means You Will Have a SMALLER Number As Your Aperature. I Only Have One Successful Bokeh with a DSLR, I will try to add it at the bottom.

Well, Waddya Know, here it is now. I think it looks cool with a heart :) I DID NOT Edit this one. I Promise.

Step Two: How to bokeh with a digital, apeture-setting-less camera.

Set your camera, if possible, to manual focus (this works for DSLR's too) Or change the focus so it does not focus on items close up, or really focus at all. Get VERY close to your bokeh subject. On your camera screen, you should see the circles.

You can take bokeh pictures of ANYTHING!

This was taken of a scarf with sequins on it.

When you take bokeh with a DSLR, it is fun to have your camera focus on something OTHER than the lights. I'm not yet sure if this works for regular cameras, with practice it probably does. If you look at my DSLR picture, you will see that the camera focuses on my hand, and the lack of focus on the lights created the bokeh.
