
The Awkward First Post-ness

HAH! I'm not late! I still have about two minutes. :3
(Sorry this is so very nearly late, my internet is about as nice as Sirius Black's mother. -.-)
My name is Jeneca (from Jeniqua), I'm a girl (obviously) I like to take pictures (obviously) and one of my favorite things in the whole world is my camera! (obviously). I'm normally pretty random, spazzmatic and happy. Usually.
Anyway, enough about me, here is what you all probably clicked this post for.
You're most likely trying to decide whether or not you should even bother to look at my posts every time I do post. (first impressions matter...!)
So, I'm going to be quiet now and and you can look at my stuff and finish that highly important decision on whether or not I'm worth looking at.

 (Friends dog, Lexi)

(Jade Plants)

(My camera's refection in the mirror thingy on the side of the car at a bank)

(Woodpecker out on the hill behind our house)

(Some wildflower that smells WONDERFUL)

So, That's my first post! :3


  1. Welcome to the blog! I love all your photos - especially the first one. :)

  2. Haha, "I'm about as nice as Sirius Black's mother" LOL :)

    Loved the photos!

  3. I think your flowers are flox, they do smell wonderful!!

  4. Love these pictures, Iqua! <3



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